Introducing GovRet: Simplifying FERS Annuity Planning for Federal Employees

Published on January 15, 2023

Navigating the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) can be daunting, especially when it comes to understanding annuity benefits. This challenge led to the creation of GovRet, a platform developed by federal employees for federal employees. Our team, consisting of developers and civil servants, recognized the need for a user-friendly resource to simplify FERS annuity planning.

GovRet was built to address common questions such as retirement eligibility, early retirement benefits, Federal Employee Health Benefits (FEHB) in retirement, and spouse survivorship annuities. Our platform offers a visual dashboard that allows users to input their retirement data or test different scenarios, view annuity projections on a yearly, monthly, or bi-weekly basis, adjust annuity with Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLA), and plan for immediate, deferred, or postponed retirement. Additionally, users can determine their FEHB eligibility and estimate spouse survivorship annuities.

By providing clear, accurate information and practical tools, GovRet empowers federal employees to plan for their future with confidence. Our mission is to make FERS annuity benefits more accessible and easier to understand, helping you make informed decisions about your retirement.

Stay updated with our latest features and OPM guidance changes by subscribing to our newsletter. For more information, visit GovRet.

We invite you to sign up for an account using our registration link. Your support helps us continue to provide valuable tools and information for federal employees navigating their retirement. We appreciate your support and look forward to assisting you in planning a secure and fulfilling retirement.

Related Resources

FERS Immediate Retirement: Complete Guide and Eligibility Requirements

Complete guide to FERS Immediate Retirement eligibility, benefits calculation, and requirements. Learn about age requirements, service calculations, and benefit options.

FERS Retirement Benefits Explained: Complete Guide

Comprehensive guide to FERS retirement benefits. Learn about pension, Social Security, TSP, and additional federal benefits.

FERS Retirement Date Calculator: Optimal Timing Guide

Calculate your optimal FERS retirement date. Learn about timing factors and maximizing benefits.